Today, I would like to introduce you to Piia Hanson, a small town girl from Beaumont, Texas, with a big heart and an even bigger laugh; you immediately feel the warmness of her presence and the compassion of her spirit.
Piia and I were destined to meet each other. Though we both went to Xavier University of Louisiana, we never crossed paths there, so the universe gave us another chance. Piia moved to Nashville to start her Master in Public Health (MPH), just as I was completing my Ob/Gyn residency at Meharry Medical College. We became fast friends; and have continued to support each other, as we have transitioned through our careers, moved across the country and traveled around the world.
Most recently, I had some unscheduled nomadic time, and landed in Houston. Piia, nearby visiting her family, volunteered to pick me up. As she put it, I had no plan, but lots of options! Over the next week, we spent time in Houston, Beaumont, Baton Rouge and New Orleans. We found our way to a little bourbon, caught up on life and brainstormed about our next steps. Sharing a love of adventure, good food, maternal child health and serving the underserved, our discussions always seem to lead back to how can we live our best life and help others live their best life in the process.
As I reflect back on my goals from the beginning of the year, Be Better, Be Balanced, Be Bold, Piia reminded me of how to take action to heart. I’m sharing Piia’s journey here. Because sometimes we all need a little encouragement. Sometimes we just have to Take the Leap.