As I try to continue to hone my writing skills both medical and non-medical, I have sought out opportunities to grow said skills across multiple avenues.
As a freelance physician editor and medical reviewer, I have learned to review information and synthesize an opinion influenced by my medical training as an Ob/Gyn. Blogging allows me to write in a more informal conversation manner.
Recently, an online magazine presented me the chance to give medical commentary regarding a very common gynecological concern. This project required I write in a different way: answering questions concisely and in language a general audience would understand and appreciate.
These different avenues of communication allow me to reflect on the importance of how I communicate and how to communicate effectively in each platform. As physicians, how we deliver information, is just as important as the words we use, to ensure our patients “hear” us.
I believe oscillating between these modalities has improved my use of language and facilitated better interactions across the board, between friends, co-workers and patients.